Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Time is Running Out for England
172th Message of Jesus Christ to Melanie in Germany from January 12, 2025

This message is very sad and aching.
During the group’s prayer meeting, Jesus appears and allows the seer Melanie to see a very clear image of the sea in which a nuclear explosion has taken place. It is probably a nuclear bomb because it suddenly lights up with a colorful glow and forms the typical specific mushroom cloud shape known from nuclear bomb tests. The sight is shocking beyond measure. The seer cries throughout the apparition.
After the seer had seen the atomic detonation, the vision suddenly shifted to her. She sits upright, more or less leaning against a wall.
Her head suddenly tilts back and she feels as if she is hanging on the cross. Jesus shows her how He was hanging on the cross, so to speak, what His dying process was like just before He died. He is so deepened, so weakened and waiting for death, full of agony. He looks up to the sky. There are crows circling above the cross.
Then a Roman soldier appears. He has a lance in his hand and stabs Jesus' heart with it. The seer feels that the lance is also being thrust into her heart. She shares in this deep and terrible grief.
Jesus then mentally leads the seer's perception back to the war. A silver bomb can be seen repeatedly falling into the water, spinning rapidly around itself. The energy released by the explosion creates a gigantic pressure wave that sets the masses of water in circular motion.
The effects are catastrophic. Ships are hurled away by the high water fountain and various coasts are flooded.
It is a warning to England.
Someone is in Buckingham Palace and is looking out of a window towards the sea.
A kind of wax seal appears. A letter forms around it. The wax seal indicates that it is a letter from the King of England.
The seal has a special embossing. It only appears briefly so that it is not clearly visible.
A week earlier, the seer received a terrible vision in a dream. She observes the events from the eyes of a strange woman.
This woman is standing in her apartment and washing the dishes. The sink is at a window so that she can look out. Suddenly, a shock wave, as if from an explosion, comes through the window towards her. She is knocked to the ground and dies lying there bleeding on the kitchen floor. The husband, who later comes into the kitchen, finds her dead.
The seer had to witness the explosion and the floods from the perspective of other people. It affects large areas of land. The floods have terrible consequences.
It is a warning to England. The English Channel, South-East England and London can be seen. An airplane flies over southern England - over the lower right corner - more over the water than over the land.
Russian fighter jets fly over the south of England and drop this bomb. Once again, the nuclear glow can be seen above the surface of the sea.
An extremely threatening blast wave comes towards the seer. It represents a catastrophic disaster. The pain and deep sadness are almost unbearable. A large circle forms around the area where the bomb hits. The flooding goes all the way inland. The whole right corner of southern England is affected. As the water wave spreads in a circle, it reaches other parts of England, France, Germany and Belgium through the English Channel.
These are all warnings that also reach out to King Charles III and the British Prime Minister.
Prayer for mitigation of England, Jesus admonishes.
Time is now running out. It is a warning that time is running out for England. This catastrophe would also destroy the beautiful traditions of the English people, the royal traditions and the core and center that makes England special in the world.
It would be wise to heed the warnings, Jesus emphasizes. It can apparently be averted or mitigated. Heavenly protection can be established. But this would also involve changing political decisions.
"Go in peace, My children."
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥